Surgery & Procedures

Surgical procedures are employed to diagnose or treat various medical conditions aiming to improve women's health and quality of life.

Key-hole/ laparoscopic surgery:

Small scars, big difference


  • Hysteroscopy

  • Transcervical resection of fibroid

  • Colposcopy

  • Marsupialisation

  • Implanon insertion/removal

  • Caesarean section

  • Laparoscopy / keyhole surgery

  • Laparotomy / open surgery

  • Ovarian cyst & fibroid surgeries

  • Hysterectomy

Minor surgery

Major surgery

Type of surgeries, but not limited to:

Find out more on common surgical procedures


Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure allow doctors to perform surgery with small incision on tummy.

This technique offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including smaller incisions, reduced pain and scarring, shorter recovery time, and a lower risk of complications.

Laparoscopy can be used to identify the cause of a certain medical condition and provide treatment, such as removing ovarian cyst or womb.


Hysteroscopy is a procedures that allows doctor to examine the inner lining and the inner cavity of the womb.

Hysteroscopy can be used for diagnostic purposes to investigate the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility, or repeated miscarriages. Additionally, it can be used therapeutically to remove polyps, fibroids, or scar tissue from the womb.

Hysteroscopy is a valuable tool in gynecology that allows for accurate diagnosis and treatment of various uterine conditions.

Caesarean Section

Caesarean section, also known as C-section, is an operation to deliver baby though a cut made on mother's tummy and womb.

Around 1 in 4 pregnant women has a Caesarean birth. Both vaginal birth and Caesarean birth carries risks.

It is crucial to discuss the benefits and risks of vaginal birth and Caesarean section with your doctor.

Laparotomy / open surgery

Laparotomy, also known as open surgery, is a surgical procedure whereby a large incision is made on the tummy to gain access to organs such as womb and ovaries.

This surgical procedures are done to diagnose or treat various conditions, such as ovarian cyst, fibroids or endometriosis. This can leave either vertical or horizontal scars on your tummy.

Although the recovery time is longer, it is necessary if keyhole surgery is deemed not suitable.


Colposcopy is a procedure to take a closer look at your cervix, vagina and vulva. It is commonly performed if your cervical smear / Pap smear / HPV result is abnormal.

During the procedure, a colposcope, which is a magnifying instrument, is used to observe the tissues more closely. If necessary, a biopsy may be performed to remove a small sample of tissue for further analysis. Sometimes a larger excision (LLETZ) may be performed at the same setting to remove the abnormal area.

Colposcopy is a valuable tool in diagnosing and treating cervical abnormalities, allowing for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer.