Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids. It can be done via keyhole surgery (laparoscopy) or open surgery (laparotomy).
Frequently asked questions
What is myomectomy?
Myomectomy is the surgical procedure to remove fibroid(s).
What are the risk of myomectomy?
Common risks:
Infection (wound, urine, chest)
Uncommon risks:
Damage to bladder or bowel
Bleeding requiring blood transfusion / removal of womb
Return to theatre
Pelvic abscess/infection
Blood clot in leg/lung
Recurrence of fibroids
Future pregnancies:
May need Caesarean section
Risk of uterine rupture
How is the operation performed?
More than 50% women with fibroids have no symptoms. Treatment is not required in these women. However if fibroids have cause problems to your health, myomectomy may be required. Some examples of problems cause by fibroids:
Heavy bleeding with/without pain
Pressure symptoms (bladder and bowel symptoms, bloating, chronic pelvic pain)
Fertility problems (difficult to get pregnant, miscarriages, preterm labour)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) myomectomy compare to laparotomy (open surgery) myomectomy?
Benefits of laparoscopic myomectomy when compared to laparotomy:
Less pain
Less fever
Smaller scar
Recurrence - no difference
Unintended morcellation of uterine sarcoma (cancer) & worsening prognosis
Disseminated/spreading of fibroids
How is the operation performed?
It can be done through keyhole (laparoscopy) surgery or open (laparotomy) surgery, depending on suitability.
When it is done laparoscopically, fibroids will be cut into small pieces (morcellation) to facillitate its removal from body. It can be done with/without a contained bag.
Are there any alternative treatment?
Yes, these includes:
Transcervical resection of fibroids
Uterine artery embolization
High intensity focused ultrasound
Hysterectomy (removal of womb)
All these methods have it’s pros and cons. Discuss with your doctor to decide which method is best for you.
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